Tarot Thoughts: The Pages

        Like most people, I have struggled to get to know the Court cards in the tarot system. The Pages in particular are hard to read so when they come up in a reading I usually turn to a guidebook or the internet for some perspective on the card. If you’ve ever opened a guidebook to find out more about one of the Pages, you will have been met with something similar to “a young or childlike fire sign person”, which is quite broad and hard to resonate with, especially if you don’t have any children or young people around you at that point in your life.

        Page isn’t a word we use to describe people anymore so there is a cultural gap between modern first world society and this concept. We are all familiar with Kings, Queens and Knights, but Pages? Not so much. So what is the definition of a Page?

        Definition of Page (noun):

        (1) :  a youth being trained for the medieval rank of knight and in the personal service of a knight

        (2) :  a youth attendant on a person of rank especially in the medieval period

        (3) :  a boy serving as an honorary attendant at a formal function (such as a wedding)

        (4) :  one employed to deliver messages, assist patrons, serve as a guide, or attend to similar duties



        In my understanding of the tarot, the Pages represent someone at the beginning of a journey, whether they are 5, 15, or 50 years old. They may show up just before you begin something new, or if you are ending a particular way or doing or thinking about something in your life. To gain an understanding of each of the Pages of the tarot, you combine this notion with the energy or meaning of each of the suits. For example, Cups usually represent emotions, intuition, love, spirituality, and relationships. Therefore, the Page of Cups may be beginning a new journey in love, a new emotional journey or a new (or renewed) connection with spirit.

        Depending on your choice of tarot deck, the Page may show up as female, male, or as a character who could be portrayed as either gender. There is a tomboy energy to the Pages and their main traits/qualities do not revolve around traditional gender roles.

        Some alternate names for the Page are: Princess, Daughter, Seeker, Maiden, or Child.

        The Page of Cups

        Page of Cups has been my card stalker for the last few months so I’ve had to get to know him/her pretty well. The Page of Cups is all about developing intuition and insight, and having romantic and creative experiences. She creates from the heart, and comes across like a moody, emotional, hormonal teenage girl to those who have more experience than her.

        The Page of Cups is the sensitive, romantic person in your life who is seeking love and connection, or the child who goes with the flow and just wants to have imaginary play all the time. They are quite soft, sweet, and sensitive. They wish the world was a peaceful place full of love and understanding. They choose to see the world through rose coloured glasses and when that image is inevitably shattered it breaks their heart.

        They may come across as naive or childlike, especially during the pursuit of love. Other people don’t understand their way of thinking as it is based in fantasy and not in reality. People love to give the Page of Cups advice and tell them to be more realistic, but the Page of Cups is strong in their faith in love and will shake it off. Regardless of the advice they are given, they trust their gut instinct above all else and have incredible intuition, especially with people. Like the Page of Swords they are able to read people like a book, but they do it through feeling rather than through a logical process or analysis.

        The Page of Cups is a great advice giver and can usually see the hidden emotional undertones or motivations of a situation. Even if they haven’t experienced love themselves, they are very knowledgeable about love and able to give great advice when their friends are having love troubles or relationship issues. This Page most likely has relationship karma from past lives, and has spent a portion of their early life being single so they can learn to love themselves, or flitting from relationship to relationship searching for true love to no avail. On the other hand, some Page of Cups experience the love of childhood or high school sweethearts as they have a desire from a young age to love and to be loved and may have entered this lifetime with their soulmate.

        The can be prone to mental health conditions as a result of their sensitivity more than the other Pages – depression in particular.

        Pop Culture Association: Charlie (The Perks of Being A Wallflower), Drew Holt (Parenthood), Chuckie Finster (Rugrats)

        “Feelings can’t be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” ― Anne Frank

        The Page of Swords

        The Page of Swords is a card I don’t see too often (more likely the Knight of Swords), but to me they represent new mindsets, insight, and ways of thinking. Swords are all about air, meaning intellect and communication. They are great advice givers as they can see numerous perspectives or sides of a debate, but don’t necessarily deliver the advice with tact. Sometimes it’s that person that doesn’t mean to offend, but can just by being a bit blunt. They are calculating and usually think before they act. The Page of Swords is an innovator and creative thinker. If this doesn’t sound like anyone in your immediate circle, picture the nerdy/geeky guy you went to high school with. They usually wear glasses and their head may be larger than average or look slightly out of proportion to their body, their forehead may be on display at all times, or they have a lot of wild hair like Albert Einstein or Lionel in Dear White People, which is a reflection of their intense brain activity.

        They crave depth of conversation, hate small talk, and are likely to be sapiosexuals (noun: finding intelligence sexually attractive or arousing). The Page of Swords understands technology and keeps up to date with the latest gadgets – they are more likely to invent groundbreaking technology than the other Pages. They can read people like a book and are great at picking up on subtleties that other people (especially the Page of Wands) may miss as they have an innate logical understanding of humans and the way they work.

        Pop Culture Association: Luke Girardi (Joan of Arcadia), Lip Gallagher (Shameless)

        “Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.” ― William Samuel Johnston

        The Page of Wands

        The Page of Wands is beginning a new creative hobby or pursuit, setting off on a new journey, or finally taking action after a little bit of contemplation. Actually, the Page of Wands doesn’t contemplate too much. They tend to do more than think, and act more than react. We all know a Page of Wands. They are usually the cousin or acquaintance you have who has travelled the world. They have been a teacher in Croatia, worked at an ice cream shop in the Bahamas, and have a fresh, youthful, adventurous glow about them whether they’re 25 or 65.

        They are wide eyed and enthusiastic about life. They prefer to live in the moment and may find it fun to jump off a cliff, go skydiving, or bungee jumping on a casual Tuesday. The Page of Wands is a nomad, and always wants to be on the go. Even though they travel the world by themselves, they find it easy to make friends wherever they go and are rarely alone. Page of Wands takes full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to him/her and doesn’t question intentions behind the offers as much as other Pages might. They are the daredevils and risktakers of the Pages. They tend to not like authority and instead choose to work as a freelancer, in temporary positions or in a job where they do not have to work traditional business hours. They wake up with a lot of energy usually early in the morning and are excited to start their day. You will rarely find a Page of Wands who places all roots in one place.

        Pop Culture Association: Alfie Deyes (YouTuber/Author)


        “We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong.”

        The Page of Pentacles

        You may see the Page of Pentacles show up around the time you are considering leaving a job, or taking on a new one, or making changes in your physical world. The Page of Pentacles wants to ground themselves and have a place to call home, if they don’t already. They seek security and stability in their lives and are just starting to find their place in the world, but unlike the Queen & King of Pentacles, they are more willing to embrace change if they know it is going to get them to a better place in their life.

        Most associated with the root chakra, The Page of Pentacles is dealing with the home, career, family, and finances, most likely for the first time. They tend to live in the moment, but are also dreamers, which you might not expect as usually the suit of Cups represents the dreamers and idealists.

        The Page of Pentacles is GREAT at games and quiz shows such as Family Feud because they are very grounded and accumulate a lot of general knowledge. Page of Pentacles enjoys their day-to-day comforts and their home environment, they love good food. They tend to take a lot of pride in their home and make sure it is a reflection of who they are, or the image they want to portray to others. More than the other Pages they are likely to keep on top of housework and to notice if something is missing or out of place in their environment.

        This Page is more emotionally stable than the others and is able to give practical advice to their friends and family members. They usually have the best of intentions and like to be wanted or needed by others. If they are needed by others, they gain a sense of self-worth and importance.

        Pop Culture Association: Jacob Black (The Twilight Saga), Joey Tribbiani (Friends), Miranda Hart (Miranda), Dean Forester (Gilmore Girls), Josh Nichols (Drake and Josh)

        “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” ― Milton Berle

        I really hope this quick little post has helped you to gain a different perspective on each of the Pages, or has at least clarified what they are all about. Which Page do you most relate to? Can you see these Pages in your friends or family members?

        “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” ― Meister Eckhart

        9 July, 2017