Planting The Seed Tarot Spread

        Mother Nature has been calling me to work with her in 2017 (probably for longer but I have only just started listening to her after realising connecting with earth is the key to my personal power). I created this spread to help me figure out exactly what I am trying to create in my life, and how She can help me. I have an earth-dominant astrological chart but for the first 25 years of my life I have been avoiding and running away from everything that embodies earth. I have never been an outdoorsy person and became even less so after my dad passed away, and I have never liked animals.

        This spread is great for tapping into your Empress energy. We are all creative beings with the power to plant any seeds that we want! The things we usually forget, is that we need to water and nourish these seeds. I love to call upon the earth energy (I call her Mother Nature or Gaia) and ask her to work with me to create whatever it is that I am planting the seeds for. Something to remember is that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the Earth. Every living creature is so intricately created, detailed and perfect. It takes time to create magnificent & beautiful things both in the world, and in our lives.

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        When you plant the seeds, your job is not finished, it is only just beginning. You need to water, nurture, and attend to the seeds until they start to sprout. You can’t see the work you are creating whilst the seeds are still in the soil, but you need to trust that something is growing as a result of your tender loving care.

        I’ve been planting the seeds for when I move for the last few months now. I’ve known I was going to move this year since the end of 2016 so bit by bit I have been letting things go (both emotional and physical stuff) which has been hard, but necessary after being in the same place for the last 16 years.

        Which seeds are you planting?

        6 July, 2017