September 2017 Collective Energy Reading

        This month I’m doing something a little bit different on the blog – sharing a general reading for the collective energies around us this month.

        I often do general readings for the collective and record them for myself but never share them, but seeing as with September comes a new season (spring for the southern hemisphere and autumn for the northern hemisphere), I thought it would be appropriate to share. A new season brings about a change in attitude and a change in how we live our lives. Those of us coming out of winter shed the layers we’ve been wearing (although, Australia’s winter has been hotter than England’s summer this year!) and look forward to a new beginning, while those who are coming out of summer look forward to snuggling up with some knitted blankets.

        I picked one card from each of the decks I used (Starchild Tarot, Keepers of the Light, I Am Power, Vessel) for the categories of mind, emotions, body & soul. This is my go-to spread when doing monthly readings as it covers so much and tends to be quite accurate and gives us some practical advice.

        Hope you enjoy.


         8 of Swords (reversed): I love that this card came out reversed as I see it as breaking free of any limitations we have had placed on us, or that we have placed on ourself. Swords are to do with the mind as well so it’s definitely breaking free of any old mindsets that have hindered our progress. Mind over matter.

        Commander Ashtar – Call to Action: Now that we’re getting rid of those old limiting thoughts and beliefs about ourself, it’s time to take some action! To finally accomplish things we’ve wanted to for a long time but have put off because of a lack of confidence in ourselves or our abilities. If you’re not sure what that goal is, have a look at your New Years resolutions or a goals list from a couple of years ago. It’s so easy to not accomplish a goal because of a lack mentality, but we don’t realise how much we grow in just a few months or a year. Review those goals and see if there’s one you never got around to finishing that you feel you could accomplish now with ease!

        I Am Surrender: I feel this card is telling us to surrender to our newfound power and strength of mind! There’s no mental hangups in September so take on the month by taking charge.

        Self Care: Self care is sooooo important. I know that I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out mentally at the moment as I’m adjusting to a new living environment. I’m ususally pretty good at carving out time for self care and having a bath, taking some quiet time to reflect or create, or to just chill out and watch a movie, but as I’m adjusting to this new routine I’ve been spending most of my time with others or working. September is the time to get back to a self care routine, or start one if it’s not something you’ve done in the past. Even an hour a week will give you the space you need to clear your mind and to feel more connected to your heart.


        The Moon (reversed):  Yep, our emotions are definitely going to be front and center this month. The Moon reversed is about releasing fear (similar message to what we got above) but also about confusion. We may feel like we’re not quite in control or clear with our emotions this month. We may feel a little bit on edge and moody as we experience the change in season and energy this month. I do feel like Mercury retrograde made all of us put our guards up, and now that it’s ending there will be a lot of emotions being released that we have held onto.

        Master Jesus – Forgiveness: I truly feel first and foremost this is about forgiving ourselves. Of course if you have anyone you need to forgive or be forgiven by, reach out to them as you may find they will be more responsive to what you have to say this month. I had a friendship breakdown in January of this year and after months of reaching out to them, they have only just responded to me and we are trying to repair things. People need people and if we hold grudges we’re not going to get anywhere. Jesus is a great figure to call on when you are confused emotionally as he can help to provide insight and perspective on the situation. I’ve only started working with Jesus this year and I find his energy so loving, comforting and honest. He delivers things you may not want to hear in a loving and kind way.

        * I really love the song Hey Jesus by Tyler HiltonGive it a listen here.

        I Am Travelling: I do feel there will be a bit of a rollercoaster when it comes to our emotions this month. Mood swings galore so be patient and forgiving with others as you don’t know what they are dealing with. If you are overwhelmed by everything going on, taking a small weekend trip could really help you to get clear on how you want to proceed and how you’re feeling. It’s easy for a lot of us to take on other people’s energies and end up not knowing what is ours and what is theirs. By getting that distance you will feel like you have more clarity when it comes to your emotions.


        Spirit: Absolutely call on your people on the other side this month to help you through any emotional stuff that comes upin September. I will be calling on my Dad (it’s Father’s Day in Australia as I’m writing this) as I know he is very kind and understanding of my fluctuating emotions. Spirit is always with us and they can provide the comfort and emotional support we don’t necessarily get from the people in our lives.


        The Lovers: This is definitely a month for connecting with your partner, or potentially meeting a romantic partner if you’re single! The Lovers can also be read as a card about self love, but I don’t feel that in this reading, it definitely feels like a month to connect with others. I would highly recommend carving out some time to mingle and have a bit of a flirt this month!

        Krishna – Devotion: I feel this card has a double message – devote some time to your body this month, and devote some time to your significant other. That devotion will lead to success and transformation in your physical life and with your body if you are looking for those results. If you are already pretty active physically, I think it would be great to incorporate a different form of exercise into the routine (such as adding 20 squats each day) and if you lead a pretty sedentary life it would be great to do the same as it will get you started. Those few minutes will kickstart something in your mind and make you want to devote more time to your physical body. By dedicating that time each day it will start to form a good habit that will be the foundation for other exercises in the future. .

        I Am Success: I was so excited to see this card! Although I feel like this is a very sexually-oriented month, if you are wanting to take up a new form of exercise or a new sport, or join the gym, this is definitely the right time to do it. Body confidence is something a lot of us struggle with these days but if you use “I Am Success” as an affirmation every single day and choose to stand a bit taller with your shoulders back, you can fake it ’til you make it!

        Romance:  This is definitely the month to get out on the town if you are single! If you’re already coupled, plan a few nice dinners or outings with each other or try to make things extra romantic this month as you will both be in the mood for it. Overall I am definitely feeling some sexual energy from these cards (lets call this month Sexy September)! It’s a great month to intimately connect with others whether you’re single or in a relationship. If you don’t relate to this message, I do feel like it’s a great month to be more playful and flirty than normal.


        The Magician & Starseed: I usually only pick one card from each deck but these two fell out together. When I turned them over I had to laugh just because I was so overwhelmed by the energy of these two cards together. The main message I was picking up was about how 2017 is a ‘1’ year aka, the Year of The Magician. In many ways 2017 is a fresh start for a lot of us and we have been focusing on manifesting (and working our asses off) the things that we want in our lives. Combined with the Starseed energy (in other decks known as The Fool), it goes to show just how powerful we are! Our souls are capable of so much in this lifetime. Another message I was getting was how The Magician is using everything at her disposal to climb those mountains and to overcome any hurdles that have previously stood in her way, but the Starseed has risen up above the clouds. We have not only climbed the mountain and gotten to the other side, we have elevated so much that we are now looking down on the mountains.

        Hilarion – Divine Healing: This card in combination with The Magician & Starseed just goes to show how strong our souls are, especially those who identify as lightworkers! After climbing that mountain and overcoming many obstacles in our way (specifically picking up on mental health issues), we are now able to help and be a light for others.

        I Am Human: This is a reminder that we are a soul having a human experience here on earth, we are not humans that happen to have a soul. Being a human is something I’ve struggled with and a couple of years ago I really wished that I was just a floating soul and that I didn’t have a body because I found mine to be a burden rather than a gift. However, being a human has some great things about it. The five senses are uniquely human and we should embrace them while we are here for this short period of time.

        Release: This month I think we are definitely letting go of and releasing some negative mindsets and even some things that we have held onto from past lives. August was an intense month for a lot of us – the eclipse and mercury retrograde were some intense energies that brought up a lot of old stuff we thought we had dealt with. Mercury retrograde likes to test us by bringing up some of that stuff again and moving through that and into September, I think we have dealt with what we needed to for the most part.

        Lets enjoy the month ahead of us. Please let me know if any of this resonates with you, I’d love to hear what rings true for you.

        “Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul.” – Peggy Toney Horton

        1 September, 2017