Letters × 14 March, 2018 letter to my dad Hi Daddy, It's been 16 years since the day you died. I remember that day so clearly - running around the school at lunch time, feeling like it was the longest lunch break of all time, and then some... READ MORE
        Lifestyle × 3 March, 2018 Seasons Tarot Spread No matter where you live in the world, we are welcoming in a new season, and are releasing the old one. Here in Australia we had a very warm summer and even though the weather hasn’t chan... READ MORE
        Lifestyle × 14 January, 2018 What to do when you are at the end of a life cycle This whole year for me has been about wrapping things up in preparation for a new cycle of my life to begin. Every 8 years of my life a new cycle had begun so when I turned 24 in January, I expected t... READ MORE
        Lifestyle × 1 January, 2018 One Second Every Day | 2017 2017 was a year of change, growth, growing up & moving on.   Highlights: Moving out of home for the first time Getting my first car Getting my Provisional Driver's Licens... READ MORE
        Lifestyle × 22 December, 2017 Prescott Manor (A Charmed Majors-Only Tarot Deck) Who remembers the hit 1990-2000s tv show Charmed? Or at least the lyrics I am the sun / I am the air? If you have never heard of or seen Charmed before, it was a tv series based on 3 sisters known as... READ MORE
        35mm × 20 November, 2017 Tea & Niceties at Tamborine Mountain My beautiful friend Chynna turned 25 this month. We ventured up into the Scenic Rim with our friend Brittany to have a gorgeous tea party at Tea & Niceties, and explore the local area. The thre... READ MORE

        Hey, I’m Erin!

        I'm a 28 year old girl from the Gold Coast, Australia. I'm passionate about photography, screenwriting and spirituality! This year I have been heavily focused on improving my finances. I
        also recently began a health journey that I would love to share with you all as I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after a decade of living with the symptoms.