Disposable Diary #1

        Not too long ago I discovered The Indisposable Concept and immediately knew I wanted to do something similar. I decided to bulk buy some disposable cameras on eBay and start shooting!

        I really enjoy the look of disposable camera photos, and the ease of taking the shots. You literally point and shoot. I’ve found that it’s a hit with all my friends too – I actually gave one of the cameras to my friend as part of her birthday present and it was immediately a talking point and everyone reminisced about what it was like before we all had iPhones.

        As with most disposable cameras, not every shot got developed. I got back 20/27 shots. Hopefully next time more will turn out ok! Not every shot was worth posting either, so these are my favourites.

        View more from the Disposable Diary series here.

        22 November, 2015