101 Things in 1001 Days (Day Zero Project)

        If you were lurking around the blogsphere in 2011 or so, you would’ve seen the 101 in 1001 Challenge, otherwise known as the Day Zero Project.

        The challenge is essentially a bucket list that you have just over two and half years to achieve the goals in. Of course, it’s unlikely anyone can accomplish all of their goals in such a short time period, but it is very motivating to have something to work on consistently for a couple of years.

        It gives you focus, and allows your goals to fluctuate as you grow. Last time I did this I realised there are more important things I would rather achieve that some of the goals on the list, and accepted that it’s ok to not complete it. Of course someone more disciplined and determined than me would make it their mission to complete every single goal and that’s fine too.

        The rules are simple (borrowed from Day Zero website):

        1. Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
        2. Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

        Onwards with my list…


        1. Run a 5k
        2. Replace fizzy drinks with fruit infused water
        3. Donate blood
        4. Go a month bringing home cooked meals to work for lunch
        5. Complete a 30 day Yoga Challenge
        6. Go to the dentist
        7. Get to a dress size 14
        8. Go a month without fast food
        9. Switch to a reusable bottle permanently and stop buying plastic bottles of water
        10. Try eating something I would never usually eat
        11. Go a month without buying anything in plastic
        12. Implement a daily yoga practice and stick to it
        13. Get laser hair removal
        14. Find out if I have PCOS
        15. Hike Mount Warning
        16. Wake up an hour earlier every day and walk along the beach


        1. Do psychic readings for the general public professionally for at least 6 months
        2. Learn to use crystals for their ~magical powers~ and not just the prettiness
        3. Join a group meditation
        4. Get an aura photo with primarily green
        5. Experience a Reiki Healing
        6. Try Past Life Regression Therapy
        7. Read the Bible
        8. Implement a daily meditating practice
        9. Find a Church or Spiritual Community whose values align with mine


        1. Renew my passport
        2. See the snow
        3. Go to Crystal Creek Rainforest Retreat for a long weekend
        4. Take a road trip down the coast of Australia
        5. Visit a strawberry farm
        6. See the Northern Lights
        7. Attend a local art or photography show
        8. Go to a “creative collective”
        9. Go to a One Tree Hill convention in Wilmington or Paris
        10. Have a spa weekend at Tamborine Mountain
        11. Go on a ferris wheel
        12. Go on a flying fox
        13. Go to a drive in movie
        14. Go to a New Year’s Eve party or event
        15. Visit the Greek Islands
        16. Visit Perth
        17. Visit a museum
        18. Stay in a cabin in New Zealand in winter for a week
        19. Take a dance class
        20. Visit Europe
        21. Experience a White Christmas
        22. Take a photography class
        23. Go to a house party


        1. Pay off all my credit card debt
        2. Earn a salary of $65,000+ per year
        3. Deposit $50 into a savings account for each item completed on this list
        4. Officially register a business
        5. Create a budget that works for me and stick to it
        6. Buy a new car
        7. Add alt tags to every photo I’ve uploaded on WordPress for my businesses
        8. Sell Dad’s old sports memorabilia
        9. Take a course on financial/business management


        1. Have friends over and chat around the fire pit
        2. Give a “just because” gift
        3. Send a handwritten letter once a week for a month
        4. Spend a long weekend camping with friends


        1. Find out if that guy likes me or not after 8 years of wondering
        2. Have a first date
        3. Have “one of those nights”
        4. Go to a LGBT positive club
        5. Have really loud sex to get back at my neighbours
        6. Have more honest conversations about sexuality with people
        7. Have an honest conversation with my childhood boyfriend
        8. Meet the love of my life
        9. Say “I Love You” to someone and mean it


        1. Finish my “Erin Files” books
        2. Buy a pair of high heels (or fancier shoes than my regular old brown boots) and learn to wear them
        3. Take a 35mm film photo every day for a month
        4. Be a podcast guest
        5. Start making regular sit down YouTube videos
        6. Write a mini series
        7. Complete a TAFE or University course
        8. Pay for a stranger’s meal
        9. Get dad’s astrology chart done
        10. Get drunk once
        11. Study Graphic Design
        12. Learn to ride a bike
        13. Write and record a song
        14. Sell designs on RedBubble again
        15. Finish scanning all the 35mm film from my childhood
        16. Experience a hangover
        17. Sell my Canon 60D and shoot mostly film
        18. Make photo albums for each year

        JUST FOR FUN

        1. Read the Bridget Jones series
        2. Make a wooden dining table from scratch
        3. Learn to use a circular saw
        4. Make a time capsule
        5. Scan all my instant photos
        6. Get a new tattoo
        7. Take a live drawing class
        8. Learn to french braid
        9. See the sky through a telescope
        10. Hold a newborn baby
        11. Plant and grow a lemon tree
        12. Learn how to garden 
        13. Use all the remaining candle making supplies I have


        Ends: Tuesday 20 April 2021 (my parent’s 30 year wedding anniversary)


        “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” – Greg Anderson

        24 July, 2018