Abundance, Lack Mentality & Financial Flow Spread

        We hear a lot about ‘abundance‘ in the spiritual community – it’s almost like one of the pedestals our community was built on, but I’ve always personally struggled with the concept.

        In many ways I know I am extremely privileged and abundant in this lifetime. I have more than I need when it comes to pretty much every aspect of life (except romance), and like most of us in the first world, I don’t even realise it and instead always want more, or something different than what we already have. It’s hard to appreciate the abundance you possess when you have advertisements coming at you from every which angle to make you feel like you don’t have enough.

        They want you to get caught up in having a new cordless vacuum that costs $899 when you have a corded one that works just fine, along with a dustpan and brush, and a spray mop. That is the epitome of abundance, even if we are only talking about cleaning products.

        Of course this lack mentality that we have makes us spend and be loose with our finances. I am definitely someone that falls prey to this and I want to reign things in and spend less.

        Short term spending is not worth long term debt.

        I currently have a $9000 debt on my credit card. This was accumulated in only one year (I got the card in July 2017) which shows the lack of control I have when it comes to spending. I have many bad habits (emotional eating being one of them) but impulse spending has done real damage to my finances over the last 3 years and I really want to sort that out.

        This has been a learning curve for me as around the time I got the credit card I also moved out of home, got a car, and got on a mobile plan I had to pay myself as opposed to being added onto my mum’s phone bill like I had been since I was 10 years old. Most people learn these lessons at 16, not 26, but these bad habits can follow people for decades of their life until they finally make a change and learn the lesson.

        As so much day-to-day marketing is targeted towards women, I do think that women earn less, and spend more than men. Female products cost more, and we have more expenses than men. Of course this is an unequal balance that needs to change, but we also need to take some responsibility for how we spend our money recreationally.

        I created this Financial Flow spread to give me some advice on finances moving forward, and how I can start the new financial year with a more positive attitude in regards to money. It’s a really simple spread that gets to the core of any financial issues you might be having.

        I used the ‘Tarot Made Easy’ deck by Barbara Moore and my cards were:

        1. Wheel of Fortune – Like everything in life, finances are cyclical and money comes and goes. As this card was upright, I think it is saying that my finances have been bad, but they are about to improve due to my change in residence.
        2. 9 of Cups – My need to be abundant with belongings and need for more more more is the true block. The needless overspending and impulse purchases are what are blocking my financial flow.
        3. 7 of Pentacles – Thinking money grows on trees is blocking the flow. I have literally said in the past that I just believe money will come back to me as it was always there for me in abundance. Since moving out that has changed drastically and I think I am meant to finally learn these very human lessons at this time. If you spend more than you earn then the flow is never going to work. It’s like trying to get clean, fresh water from a dry and muddy stream.
        4. 4 of Cups – I need to appreciate what I have and not be so ungrateful for the beautiful belongings that I already have and can enjoy. I need to make old things new again and focus on those instead of lusting over the new shiny thing that has just been released.
        5. 2 of Pentacles – My finances need balance. I need to have a balance of paying bills and rent, saving, and spending. If I want to go on that overseas holiday to Europe next year then I need to sort out my finances first so I can pay off my debt, and start saving for it. I need to work on my attitude towards money – the second I have it I want to spend it, and that’s not a healthy way to manage money.

        I found these cards to be incredibly accurate and am shocked and just how on point they were to my finances and my mentality.

        Vix (New Age Hipster) has an old school blog post about How to be Spiritual on a Budget which I highly recommend checking out if you really think you need an aqua aura quartz crystal or the new indie deck that is all over your Instagram feed.

        Please let me know if you try out this spread and if it sheds some light on your finances. I’d love to hear which cards you got and how you interpreted them for your situation. Leave them in the comments below or over at Instagram!

        28 June, 2018