camera: pentax espio 738 – Girl behind the red door Thu, 25 Oct 2018 06:49:47 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 camera: pentax espio 738 – Girl behind the red door 32 32 First Shots with the Pentax Espio 738 Fri, 05 Aug 2016 00:00:59 +0000 A couple of months ago I was given a Pentax Espio 738 by a family friend. I was pretty excited to use it due to the self timer feature and the ease of use of the camera. It’s been really fun to use and I enjoyed carrying it around with me – in fact it […]]]>

A couple of months ago I was given a Pentax Espio 738 by a family friend. I was pretty excited to use it due to the self timer feature and the ease of use of the camera. It’s been really fun to use and I enjoyed carrying it around with me – in fact it is still the only camera in my handbag.


The shots aren’t fantastic, but I’m hoping they will improve as I use the camera more and put a higher speed film in there. ♥
