A New Year Tarot Spread + My Cards for 2019

        Happy New Year!

        2018 was a rough year for a lot of people. There were a lot of crazy energies and planetary movements that created a lot of shifts in people, and in our lives.

        For me it was a year of frustration and becoming a decent driver. I moved house, and got 2 new flatmates. Had a couple of nice domestic holidays, and was trying to navigate my finances.

        A lot was torn down and rebuilt. Building new relationships with people & God, tearing down old systems that no longer work for me, and destroying old beliefs that hold me back. It was painful at times, but necessary and for the best.

        I started going to church again at the start of 2018 after a 6 month break in 2017, and ended up going pretty consistently every Sunday at 6pm for the majority of 2018. I have held back on participating or becoming part of the church due to some things that happened last year (and my fear of cults), but in 2019 I do want to become more involved and get to know people and contribute more. I tend to feel  more comfortable observing from afar with my head down, but started to make some big moves in my faith towards the end of the year.

        A New Year Spread

        I wanted to create a good new year’s tarot spread for you all to enjoy, which will hopefully bring some clarity and advice to you in your journey in 2019.

        This New Year spread is one you can use every year. I love that it recognises the past, and also helps us move into 2019.

        My cards:

        1. Two of Wands reversed: Reflecting on the past 12 months and reviewing my personal goals, and the things that didn’t happen in 2018 that I want to happen in 2019 such as an international holiday.

        2. The Chariot: Literally just move forward. Don’t look back in regret or in anger, instead move forward and focus on the goals and dreams that you want to happen in 2019. I can’t change the past and everything happens for a reason. Take action and choose to move forward at the right pace for me.

        3. Seven of Cups reversed: I’ll be ending the year in a state of reality rather than fantasy. I’ve always been a daydreamer and loved to escape reality in my imagination, but 2019 will help me to live in reality and be more clear.

        4. Eight of Swords: Hallelujah! We are leaving feelings of entrapment and being stuck behind! It’s no longer a time for fear or hiding. I am leaving behind the feeling of not wanting to be seen by others or experience things that put me in the limelight. I deserve to be seen and heard by others, and to embrace all life has given me. I am no longer my worst enemy.

        5. Four of Pentacles: Bring financial lessons learnt in 2018, into 2019. 2018 was a year full of financial lessons – hardship, changes, challenges, budgeting… they were all major things I dealt with this year. Don’t repeat the same mistakes, and don’t make rash financial decisions. Steady progress and consistency is needed for progress to occur at all. Hold onto the reigns and be in control.

        6. Five of Pentacles: My challenge is the “lack mentality” when it comes to the material world, even if I do have money in the bank. I may still feel down & out when it comes to finances even though I have enough money to get me through each month.

        7. King of Swords: My support or strength is air sign males or people that represent that energy! For some reason I knew my dad would show up here (he’s a Libra) and help me through 2019. I am hoping to connect with more males this year as most of the people I interact with are females. I am craving some much needed balance in my life in that area.

        I hope you all enjoyed the spread – please let me know if you use it, I would love to see which cards you get! Wishing you a lovely 2019.

        Another Year Over, A New One Just Begun

        28 December, 2018