Disposable Diary: Grade 6 Camp

        Lately I’ve been trying to clean up and organise my room and all my school documents which lead me to find these treasures! I took a crappy disposable camera to camp in grade 6 and I’m so glad I did. Yeah, they’re not the best pictures but it’s just fun to have memories from a time you’d completely forgotten about.

        I absolutely love this picture. On the left is probably my best primary school friend, May. We used to hang out quite often.
        Alice, Chloe, Ellie
        Mr. Hill – my grade 6 teacher.
        Tyson – my primary school crush lmao. I remember my goal on the trip being to get a photo of him.
        Ellie – she was on my netball team & her dad was the coach.
        Honestly cannot remember this girl’s name!


        Me in a super cool visor. Obviously the lighting was really good.
        The gang jumping into a three metre deep pool! I remember doing it and freaking out!

        It’s so funny that I found these photos when cleaning – I barely remembered any of the people in the pictures until I saw them!

        View more from the Disposable Diary series here.

        6 October, 2014