Digital × 26 November, 2014 A Weekend Getaway to Yamba Over the last couple of months I feel like I've abandoned this little blog. There's no excuse but I will give you the reason why. I honestly believe it's because I've stopped seeing value in my day to... READ MORE
        Disposable × 6 October, 2014 Disposable Diary: Grade 6 Camp Lately I've been trying to clean up and organise my room and all my school documents which lead me to find these treasures! I took a crappy disposable camera to camp in grade 6 and I'm so glad I did. ... READ MORE
        Series × 18 May, 2014 The Typewriter Sessions Volume 4: One of Those Nights There's a particular sub-type of movie that I am addicted to. Movies where it's all about one of those nights. One of those nights that remind you why you're alive and what it's like to feel so much -... READ MORE
        Series × 8 May, 2014 The Typewriter Sessions Volume 3: Beautiful Ways to Meet the Love of Your Life So it was just Valentine's Day and even though I am still single, it doesn't mean I can't fantasise about meeting the love of my life. See more posts from The Typewriter Sessions. READ MORE
        Series × 2 May, 2014 The Typewriter Sessions Volume 2: Missed Opportunities I'm really happy to be able to share yet another one of my moments spent on the typewriter. I got a new typewriter ribbon so I'm hoping to be able to write more over the next few weeks. See mor... READ MORE
        Series × 20 March, 2014 The Typewriter Sessions Volume 1: Fat In 2014 I bought myself a typewriter as a gift to myself for my 22nd birthday. For a little while there I poured my heart out - tapping away on the keys - to the point where my fingers started to ... READ MORE

        Hey, I’m Erin!

        I'm a 28 year old girl from the Gold Coast, Australia. I'm passionate about photography, screenwriting and spirituality! This year I have been heavily focused on improving my finances. I
        also recently began a health journey that I would love to share with you all as I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after a decade of living with the symptoms.