Disposable Diary #12: Over A Year

        This little disposable camera was with me for a year and a half (January 2017 – August 2018! Seeing my friends and cousin’s babies grow in just one roll of film is amazing and a true blessing. These are the kinds of photos and memories I want to look back on when I’m 70 years old.

        My 26th Birthday Lunch, January 2018. (L-R: Emma, Janice, Chynna, Me, Simone)

        Baby Zane
        Baby Mason

        The day I sat in my car that I couldn’t drive and realised, I need to get my P’s.
        My little cousin, Zakk

        Baby Lilly, she’s 2 now.

        Mason – he wasn’t even born when this roll of film started.

        I busted this roll out of the disposable camera myself to avoid excess shipping costs which is why I think there were the leaks on the photos. I don’t mind; it just adds character to the photos.

        This disposable diary series has been a joy. I bought a 10 pack of disposable cameras back in 2016 and have been slowly getting through them. I’m not sure if this series will continue once they’re all done (there’s about 3 left to finish!) due to all the wasteful plastic, but it is an absolutely joy to truly just point and shoot.

        View more from the Disposable Diary series here.

        24 September, 2018